Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Matthew helping in the garden

This picture of Matthew in the flower pot is symbolic to how big he has grown in the past 2 months. He does not understand whats to come but he is growing up so fast.
Check out those curls


elizabeth kartchner said...

so cute!! LOVE the curls! please don't cut them til I say!! hehe!! :)

KESLER KREW...Cami said...

camille - he is sooo big and such a cutie! i really can't believe that curly hair! luv the updated pics! cami

Unknown said...

I can't stand it he is SO CUTE I just want to put him in my pocket and keep him forever. ZOO SATURDAY??

A and L said...

i was starting to give up hope that you'd ever post again!

Matthew look so cute. How are you feeling? I want a baby update!

Shaharac said...

Hey camille, I hope you don't mind me spying on you, I found you from Kim and Adam's blog. I love Matt's curls, Miles is my only baby that has had curls, and the thought of EVER cutting them off kills me. Love your blog.