Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Colors


LJCoolJ said...

Camille, I'm commenting on a blank picture because I have been looking for the best hair weaver on the planet. I wished I had got your number that day in the DMV about 3 years ago. I thought you were in Lehi and haven't been able to find you. I googled your name and found your blog! I want to come back but I bet you have very minimal clientelle d/to your busy life as a mom. By the way, absolutely darling kids!!! BUT, if you do have room for an old groupy who likes to look like Heather Locklear, email me your number/address of where you work. I understand if you can't take on new clients but maybe a recommendation. It's just so hard to have 2nd rate when you've had the best hair girl ever. My email is I have a blog, just for kicks at You look so happy as a mom. It looks like life is treating you well. Lorna.

Martha said...

I've enjoyed checking out your's been over a month since a post...hope all is okay!